One spot. Many hands. Light work.
From the ability to reach, support & purchase from OUR own ranks carving out their rightful place within the creative world, to a platform that addresses the financial illiteracy plaguing too many urban centers; to the much needed ability to offer clients payment options better suited to circumstance; to the infinite ability to circulate the Black dollar all in one space, we are taking a 360° Black approach to what a marketplace looks like when it’s BY US, intended FOR US, & guided by WHO WE ARE.
GOAL: To have, within this ONE site, the connective tissue that begins to answer the question that seems to continually plague us: How do we actually turn the tide within the Afrakan diaspora?
The Black Panther Party provided bread crumbs for us to answer this deafening silent call when they showed us that you MUST 1st care for the PEOPLE. It is, after all, the people who must collectively do the work of lasting change!
To this end, we seek to offer a holistic means through which we may do this work. Some of the initiatives we are actively exploring include consignment agreements, the ability to offer potential clients options allowing them to pay over time, shared investment opportunities, financial accountability partnerships & education, & much more.
Time is an amazing teacher! If we heed the lessons offered, we KNOW that ‘going it alone’ is not the path to longevity nor success. Fill out & submit the form below to explore the avenues shared here OR to discuss what you feel should be added.