In the Beginning…
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It seems kismet to begin this journey by sharing the dream of this space…a deep abiding ache that has gnawed at me as far back as I can recall.
Since I was a child, I have almost obsessively wanted to know “why?” Why don’t we start our own? Why don’t we work together? Why do people follow established norms blindly? Usually, I’d answer myself with something like “of course they have, you just haven’t found it yet.” Naïve, I know, but I could never quite wrap my mind around the idea that we weren’t able to OR that we didn’t want to build & have our own…everything!
Personally, I believe we are capable of ANYTHING, & I do mean anything we put our minds & hearts to. Over the 4 decades I’ve been, that is one of the only things I know without a doubt. While this is true, the opposite (because the Universe demands balance) must also be true. To my mind, that means we absolutely must be kept in a state of not realizing this undeniable fact en masse.
That brings me to the culminating event that is this website offering. My whole life, & especially today (2020), I have heard what we “need” to do, only to see the attempts done in the likeness of all those who benefit directly from our current collective state. Logically, I cannot rectify this. This website is my attempt at an answer that does.
As a positive consequence of my personality, I intuit the polar extremes of (womb)an. In other words, without trying, I hear & see beyond what one speaks with their tongue. Louder than anything else, our people are hurting & tired of hurting. We are unsafe & without security at its most basic level. We are at the precipice of a mass awakening for no other reason than the cliff has ended & there is nowhere else to go but up.
I want it all.
Allow me to clarify this - I want it ALL!
It is my knowing that there is only one place in which that exist. TOGETHER. It is also my knowing that Melanin Dominant Wombmen are the beginning, middle & end of all that is LIFE SUSTAINING. All that is beautiful. All that is compassionate. All that is unyielding strength. All that is Love.
Create a genuine space for ALL of who we are…without the noise of the world, & the rest is her story.